
Sunday, August 17, 2014

Financing Opportunities

          There are many different way to obtain financing opportunities. During this week's course we were given a number of sources for finding new and innovative financing opportunities for your business. The websites provided specifically for this blog post offer different types of financing opportunities and how to obtain them. Each an every one of these website offers their own advices and tips in how to obtain financing opportunities.  All have their own particular and specific focus in the information they provide in their websites. For instance, oweesta focuses in supporting “economic growth in Native American communities. Out of the various websites recommended for this discussion, only a few sparked interest in writing about them. Of course, there are numerous more that offer many different things and type of information about financing opportunities.

          The first website, Opportunity FinanceNetwork specifically focuses on communities that have low income and believe that have no chance of getting the opportunity to start a business or follow through with an idea or concept.  This website promotes innovative and easy ways to financing opportunities. Just like National Community Investment Fund (NCIF), which is primarily for “underserved communities”. Both of these websites direct their information towards poor communities. Also, cfed expandingeconomic opportunity helps those that have close to nothing and want to be “living the American dream”. They help you achieve your goals and dremas when it comes to financial matters that may seem impossible for your situation. Association for EnterpriseOpportunity (AEO) is a website that focuses on supporting microbusinesses and help entrepreneurs establish and maintain businesses financially. Information is presented more professionally in their site and includes statistical data and factsheet research in in micro business initiatives and matters. 

          All these websites offer a bundle of information of numerous different topics in financing businesses and finding new opportunities in your careers and industries. Each site has a page just for the members or subscribers they have, a description of who they are and their mission and what they offer. The requirements and qualifications for obtaining financial opportunities will depend on the target audiences each of the website is intended to reach. There are forms and policies that you can fill over their pages and they will place you in a certain order depending your current economical conditions and their ideas or business concepts. This way they can help each and every person with their specific needs in their particular situations.

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