up on the previous post, the Oculus Rift has been integrated to its audience
since its foundation. This product started by being funded by the own audience
on KickStarter. Via this website, the company could present the Oculus Rift to
the public and at the same time, conveniently and very smartly, start a
crowd-funding project, which had a huge success because of its high demand.
People everywhere supported the project and still do. These same people are the
ones who not only test the device but still want the perfected and latest
version of it. Here I include their personal blog, which focuses only on the
products whereabouts, latest news and updates and standardizations. So just go
to the link and never feel lost and out of group with what we are talking
about.See also how the public has supported this product from the beginning and ahead you can appreciate how virtual reality differs from something really similar.
have gone deeper into almost all themes related to newest visual effects and
special effect creation with technology. One thing I am missing is that is very
important and is definitely the most innovative experience so far in visual
constructions and holographic projections is what is known as projection
mapping. These huge and full of light representation of a visual is a
projection developed on top of an object, mirroring it and portraying other
images at the same time. It could be described as pixelated images, but the
pixels are so small that they are rarely noticed, which is the goal. The main
objective is for the image to be felt real for the human eye. The process of
projection mapping is as simple as using two mirrors looking at each other.
Except it requires the use of a third mirror, which would enable the image to
be seen through and all around as a fourth dimensional figure. AVConcepts describe this process as “giving the video shape and dimension”.
Virtual Reality and Projection Mapping are two different things, but for the eye they look very much alike. What typically differentiates one from the other is how is constructed and produced to their distinctive audiences. The last video is what typically is known as architectural projection mapping.
Virtual Reality and Projection Mapping are two different things, but for the eye they look very much alike. What typically differentiates one from the other is how is constructed and produced to their distinctive audiences. The last video is what typically is known as architectural projection mapping.