
Friday, December 13, 2013

Oculus Rift Beginnings and Projection Mapping

Following up on the previous post, the Oculus Rift has been integrated to its audience since its foundation. This product started by being funded by the own audience on KickStarter. Via this website, the company could present the Oculus Rift to the public and at the same time, conveniently and very smartly, start a crowd-funding project, which had a huge success because of its high demand. People everywhere supported the project and still do. These same people are the ones who not only test the device but still want the perfected and latest version of it. Here I include their personal blog, which focuses only on the products whereabouts, latest news and updates and standardizations. So just go to the link and never feel lost and out of group with what we are talking about.See also how the public has supported this product from the beginning and ahead you can appreciate how virtual reality differs from something really similar.
I have gone deeper into almost all themes related to newest visual effects and special effect creation with technology. One thing I am missing is that is very important and is definitely the most innovative experience so far in visual constructions and holographic projections is what is known as projection mapping. These huge and full of light representation of a visual is a projection developed on top of an object, mirroring it and portraying other images at the same time. It could be described as pixelated images, but the pixels are so small that they are rarely noticed, which is the goal. The main objective is for the image to be felt real for the human eye. The process of projection mapping is as simple as using two mirrors looking at each other. Except it requires the use of a third mirror, which would enable the image to be seen through and all around as a fourth dimensional figure. AVConcepts describe this process as “giving the video shape and dimension”. 
Virtual Reality and Projection Mapping are two different things, but for the eye they look very much alike. What typically differentiates one from the other is how is constructed and produced to their distinctive audiences. The last video is what typically is known as architectural projection mapping.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Founder and CTO of Virtual Reality's Oculus Rift

The Oculus Rift is the newest technology in virtual reality. Designer and founder Palmer Luckey came up with an incredible way to feel physically interacting in video games. This is what virtual reality is all about. You literally step into a re-created virtual world and can control any movement inside it. This makes up for the appearance that you actually live in this kind of world while you interact with it. As he mentions, his goal was to create a device that would let you plug in and insert yourself in a virtual world or in other words, a gaming world. John Carmack is the developer of the virtual graphics in the device reproduces. He has worked in the most selling computer based games, like Doom. With his vast experience and expertise and young Luckey’s drive to create this kind of technology, the Oculus Rift took a huge step in the gaming industry. Now it is not only possible to experiences the emotion and rush of the game from an observation point of view, but also you can control that point of view by being the one controlling the game. In other words you are not controlling a person in game that you can watch through a screen, but you literally are the person inside the screen.
When the team got to try the prototype of the Oculus Rift, their impressions where beyond astonishment. They described the device as being the key to a new road in the industry even a new kind of industry. This is incredibly interesting because to think that now we have reached a technological age where gaming is no longer gaming, but a “real life” possibility, changes the whole perspective of what the gaming industry is in entertainment. Palmer Luckey’s main objective is open up a pricey product making it accessible to an average gamer. Is something way more exciting than playing a regular video game that shows up in a television screen; you will not see the screen once you put on the device over your eyes, you will be entering the world itself and feel physically capable of being inside as a first person “self” instead of just handling a third person character. The real importance fact that he discusses is the latency of the view. He points out that instead of a view that would take some time in mirroring the movements it would be a view that follows your exacts movements.
In John Carmack’s interview he talks a little about the product’s “dev kit” which would soon be in the hands of developers in order for them to perfect it as best as possible. Also he points out that the Oculus Rift was “born from mobile technology's constant push forward”, meaning that it can be accessed by almost anyone who wants to. Is important how he refers the current technology and gaming devices compared to the Oculus Rift because he take the same posture as Luckey. It is definitely incredible the technological advances we have achieved today, demonstrating astonishing visual graphics and special effects through various and numerous styles and video games. But this product actually approaches this areas through different perspectives since you would no longer be spectating a controllable video game, but you would actually be the game, inside and living it. He says and I quote, “when you are inside things you really are changing the equation, you feel something different and you experience something different”.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Gaming Industry Niche and Associations

         In recently joining Full Sail University and their community, I see myself totally inspired, going down a completely new road where wonderful things wawit at the end. I started with no business experience at all and now I am almost halfway to completing a Master's Degree. I feel like have learned a whole new world of possibilities, still it is only the beginning. In the business entertainment industry we can choose from a variety of options in what to dedicate our interests.I have chosen Visual Effects ans Gaming because they not only go by the hand but also are a very important element in the entertainment industry. Digging in the niche of these specific areas we can find numerous information providers. But, there are those who focus on what are console video games, running a little farther away from what are computer based games. i have chosen several associations to help me describe further what the game industry is trying and wanting to do in order to exapnd audiences.
          IGN summerizes the latest news and updates in video game consoles and now including mobile gaming, not only for portable devices developed by the console company brands but also smart phones games. Is interesting the public the site focus on is on directly interested in console video gaming. Now the other half of the video game industry audience comes from computer gaming. One of the highest demands in this area comes from Blizzard Entertainment. Their mission states as follows, "Dedicated to creating the most epic entertainment experience…ever”.  You might of heard of their most selling game called World of Warcraft, which is an online platform multiplayer game. You get to play online with peers and with other online gamers. This approach is now what console gaming is aiming for. The top companies have made it possible for almost a decade now. The difference is the medium.
          The gaming industry has evolved the last couple of years exponentially. Who knows what it will become in a couple more. We have to acknowledge that this industry has been able to grow mostly because of the technological advances and graphics developments in the visual arts. It is difficult to say who is the leader in the visual special effects department. But it definitely has been the greatest development that has contributed in the gaming industry. One example I can bring forward is Adobe, which has developed cinematic graphics into console-quality games. This is the most innovative and modern movement in the industry.

Monday, November 18, 2013

TED Speaker Tom Chatfield

This speech works around how human being can enter a learning environment with games. How the gaming industry allows the mind to expand and become something bigger in an educational level. Tom Chatfield begins his lecture stating about the “power of virtuality” video games present and how we absorb that and reproduce it. Video games a part from growing on the human imagination it can motivate and compel us into something more and better. We cannot discard the essentials, which are technological advances and concept constructs in order to develop products, which then would open up the audience’s imagination and motivate the to do better. The video game industry has been growing exponentially these past few years. He describes it as being the “fastest growing industry among all media”.
The fact is that people do spend the money on these products and inside the games also because they feel an emotional, individual or even a collective drive to do so. It is true, gamers and non-gamers demonstrate it everyday by simply connecting with others and sharing experiences. It is incredibly interesting how he particularly describes how we measure the gaming experiences with the constant data, which is the first way to reward the brain. Second providing short and long-term aims and third with effort consider rewarding yourself; reward effort. Four, constant, rapid, and clear feedback is extremely important. This is very important especially in a learning basis. He specifically says and I quote “is very, very hard for people to learn if they cannot link consequences to actions”. Fifth is the element of uncertainty, people desire to seek and find out about the unknown; this way even rewards will be better. Sixth are the windows of enhanced attention; the memory and the confidence. Gaming experiences change variations in both of these concepts. They help expand the memory span and sometimes reduce it, but most of all they help people gain confidence in themselves.
Lastly other people who are what mostly drives us to want to play games, to be able to connect and share with others. We need that connection to one another, humans are social beings, and since technology has partially separated that physical sharing and connection, it has definitely opened a new road to which we can describe ourselves social beings. He inspires because he connected in various ways the gaming industry to real life situations. It is definitely important to remember that we need new sharing and communication methods. Also, that these are educational methods we can use to grow as better human beings. Like it is also learned in Chris Anderson's Speech, as he describes it the "Crowd Accelerated Innovation", people want new ways of communicating with peers and sharing with family and playing with friends. These modern ways show how we interact not only with others and also with the rest of the world.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Computer Generated Imagery (CGI)

Click Here to read a brief descriptions of the type of special effects graphics we will be covering, and also enjoy the video to the right, which practically sums up it's history. This time we will take a look into what Computer Generated Imagery (CGI) are and the process of creating this type of special effect. What can be as something a little obvious, is that the three-dimensional images will be created by computer compositions software. The process is one similar to using green or blue screens to incorporate what is real with what is not. Although it can be compared to that, it is most definitely not the same since CGI graphics are represented and translated through the computer screen. What distinguishes this effects over others is precisely that a scene for a film, game, short, etc., are cut and paste of bits and pieces until the creation of the panorama.  This process can actually be done with out the need of actors, sets, miniatures, etc., and still be possible of making beautiful movement and special effect images.
Some perks and advantages that over time have been added in the graphics to facilitate the flows and movements, making them more real to the eye. Big corporations and companies such as Xsens and Digital District make and construct their projects and work around CGI technologies. They do provide some of the best special effects that look so real you would not even believe it. They offer a variety of software that deal with these types of special effects and from different kind of styles. This next video to the right is a short film that Digital District made for a Cartier jewelry commercial, which is stunning and we cannot even notice which are the real images and which are the computer generated images. I promise this short film will astonish and surprise you, making you to never stop watching it.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Holographic, Three-Dimensional and Virtual Projections

         How real the holograms seem? Are they considered as part of the virtual reality world? Can holograms and 3 Dimensional objects be considered as the same? Many people think that virtual reality, three-dimensions and holograms are the same thing. Truth is that they may be trying to reach out for the same purpose, but the method is different. Technological features, which make three-dimensional world possible, are progressing constantly. They will be at a point where critics foresee it even without the need of glasses. If you feel outside of the alley and definitions of what these advances are, then the FW: Thinking video at the beginning is where you will find about prognostics for the future equipment and visible perceptions. What is exactly is a holographic projection? Find out and then give you can have your own opinion.
Virtual reality is a created image sent through the particular equipment, which projects it to make it appear like some panoramic real environment, in which case is re-created. A holographic projection, can be confused because is a projected imaged which is translated out of the equipment to show itself in the real time in front of us. Check how it is presented in this website called You Dream It, We Create it. A virtual reality image can only be perceived individually through an inner closed perceptual method, through out worn equipment over the eyes, like for example the Oculus Rift. The main objective is to step in the virtual world, like it was once described in Hollywood’s Motion Picture, featuring Pierce Brosnan, The Lawnmower. Take a closer look in Wall Street Journal's Article: Virtual-Reality Headset video, click here to watch. Holograms’ and three-dimensional equipment’s objective is to make it seem as real as possible without the need of use of glasses or any other equipment to see the image or re-created perception.

Sunday, September 8, 2013


One of the most advanced and recently beloved technologies that are acquiring more and more fame every day are those of virtual realities. These advances can be of great help for us in re-creating possibilities and not only enjoying but also making a reality the unexpected dream. Thus, many describe this technology as a parallel reality to a real world. In Virtual Realities Technologies we can appreciate how literally and emotionally these innovative technologies work, demonstrating that virtual realities can be used for something other than recreation and games. In the end, it is merely the creation of a parallelism between what is real and what is invented. They are beneficial in medicine, in training programs and even environmental recreations. On some news, it is mentioned that these modern day technologies will not only serve for the greater good but even that piece by piece and day by day form part of our daily routine and life’s expectancies.
Creating a reality is when a life-changing event occurs, like walks into virtual environments. This is inevitably a reality since life will definitely begin or end for an individual. A Virtual Reality (VR) can be considered as something that is not real. Well the truth is that is a re-created reality projected or imitating one that is real. This technology is making his way up trying to converge what is a Real-World Life with a futuristic re-created real world reality with more advance technologies. Society has definitely created many controversial statements, approving and disapproving what a VR truly means and what it is meant for. VR is meant for the good of the human race and hopefully eventually for the best of the “moviemaking” entertainment business. VR has overcome a lot of changes and developments over just a short time. It is incredible the benefits we can obtain out of VR for a human being’s personal, professional or even recreational life. It is us who draw the line whether to actually consider it as a parallel and alternate real form of living or not.



Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Using the Elements

In a movie we can admire these “special effects” by matching the right feeling to the moment. For example in a non-3D movie the “movements” look dull or lifeless. In a 3D movie the “feeling” of the projected moment is brought to life with the combination of the sensatory acquirements. In an animated feature the combination may be different but is almost the same. By representing different styles in motion we can project the wished “flow” of the image or idea. If this magical concept would be applied to every movie, there would be a loss of creativity but a gain in innovative projections in reality. Why pay attention and consider having interest to do an analysis?
Implementing the right and correctly used artistic measure of creating a “virtual movement” is the way of an alternate reality where a human’s mind can actually escape the paralleled truth. Graphical arts means to create from “scratch” a conceptual idea. It could be to re-create an image with the adequate equipment and education received. But just by adding up the main tool of the arts, color, we can receive feedback emotions from viewers. For example taking the four basic elements into consideration we can create beautiful sceneries where a magical perception can be illustrated by representing them with the most movements as possible. More work, more movement, more real, equals more magic.
To show more with the least, I can only say, the more magical the movements the least problems with attention. The more attention is given, the more effective a reality we represent. The complexity of the world is way to “deep” to even begin to describe it. There are characteristics that individually or even combine create new things. To understand elements we first have to know them. With better understanding of our surroundings and it’s components we may emphasize the importance of the “magic” feeling when actually watching the movie. Like in all there are two sides to every story. Opposites can be tricky but not impossible, there is always one specific or particular “trait” that will continue to give hints for continuous and future interpretations. In order to best explain the feeling of the main elements; one should have already tested it on their own body.
Water: H2O
Water is a flexible compound, which gains access through anything. Sometime I think brains are just water flowing side to side and when sleeping is like a silent pond, which is completely isolated. Water helps out reflect images. It creates a “mirror” like effect, which maintains visibility to a “naked eye”. It is like watching through glass. Only difference is that the glass is “frozen” and the water is not. Rain is water that can be felt differently. The “raindrops” feel natural when falling in the skin. Now when “raindrops” come down with more intense or with more force it splashes right off the skin, only feeling a little sting.
Fire is kind of a “tricky” element since it is created but another reaction. It creates a visual effect of light; which shows up surroundings illustrating. Its effect can be described like burning an ant with a piece of glass in between the sun. The effect can be created with a diversity of methods but the magic will lie in the illusion of the creation.
Air: O (Oxygen)
The wind can be considered another “tricky” element in the visual effect. Air is actually what constantly is with us every single moment of our lives. We need it, to breathe it and to keep us awake. The effect of this element can be completely control and dominated. The true effect lies in the different locations of the globe. Now, that effect could also be manipulated but a variety of chemical compounds for the illusion.
Earth keeps ups standing up and maintains our balance in the universe. We physically cannot “sit still” outside the planet’s atmospheric stability. It is he easiest element to handle. Earth is the most visible and believable of them all. Staying true to itself and to the combinations of it with others.

How should we start an “Alternate Reality”?

Computer Graphics International offer information about latest conferences provided in Germany and for online audiences in Computer Generated Images (CGI). The topics are distributed in the home page and are distributed in a prolonged list of incredible interesting and very important information that is absolutely necessary for today’s Internet innovations. For example, Prof. Gross presents Physically-Based Animations, which has been creating “visual representations” since the mid 90’s. “Gross has developed numerous algorithms for the physically-based animation of material effects such as fracturing, as well as stable, real-time deformations”. He has lately worked on “efficacy”, “fluid simulation algorithms” and other irregular methods. Some of the CGI’s home webpage topics that could interest many following real life and entertainment in the “virtual reality” media could be “Visual and Augmented Reality”, “Physically Based Modeling” and “Point-Based Graphics”.
In 1995’s film Batman Forever, nominated for the Oscars for Best Cinematography, the actor Jim Carrey represents a particular character; The Riddler who could be described as the controversial and most “maniac” of the all, since is what he played. In one scene, while employees demonstrated the owner (Bruce Wayne) their work and “visions”, he not only makes astonishing but also incredible “eye” opener comments and arguments about the “virtual world”. Bill Treasurer has written a blog just about half a day ago that states, “How women could work more courageously would be useful to their attendees”? It is a serious question that should be considered in every aspect since women are still undermined to almost any man around the world.
Men still believe we are living in their all creating and ruling world; when the fact is that women are the one’s doing the “hard work”. The truth about power in between gender classifications is that to really obtain it and gradually demonstrate we have it, a “cold stone heart” is needed. It is totally inevitable to feel empathy towards others, especially when we find “associations” to one another. He emphasizes this point at the fifth paragraph about women's leadership challenges when he starts to write about how “actual” women feel about things and lists these in bullets. He, being a man, can always find new and inspiring points of view, but in the end it would take up to actually interviewing one of those women to express the feeling.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Projected History

Let us go back to where everything started Holography: Virtual Gallery. Basically it takes us to the late 1940's, when Russian chemists and physicists were developing better optical resolutions. Things like these advances may cause people to think that illusions may be false since they are a in a sense optical creations that are perceived visually. We have and can keep learning from these beginnings and get to create a whole world full of not only excitement but also possibilities and hopes; just like is taught in "Inception". The thing is that in real life an illusion is and always will be an illusion; a simple-minded creation in which we illustrate the idea.
For example, Tupac's Hologram, which is described as the greatest achievement up on stage. This can be life changing! Imagine Michael Jackson up on stage making his "moves" and dancing around, where people can still enjoy his show. Amazing and literally out of proportions, brings the images right to life. Quoting one of the previous mentioned top leaders in this field, "Where Virtual becomes a reality" including interactive 3D associations. Check out 3D Holographic Projections and learn to understand better Holograms Fabrication.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Reality in 3D

Let us create a world where anything is possible just like in the movies. Green and Blue screen technologies and 3D technological advances have created a world of possibilities for real live dreamers. Get to know better the use of green screen in movie making. This will definitely give us a more open viewpoint about technological usage for effect creation. It is extreme to describe this kind of technology, especially when the industry is constantly upgrading it and making possible a better way for projecting it. For example, with MIT's new 3D technology now points out the three-dimensional technology possible with out the use of glasses.
Let us bring that dream to those who cannot actually get to live it and help them fulfill that dream as much as possible. My intention with this blog is to expand the idea of virtually creating an unreachable world in order to make reachable. What if you wanted to visit Mount Everest but could never make it to the top due to a respiratory condition? What if I told you that you could actually get to experience an adventure that literally turns out to be a virtual reality but including all physical and emotional experiences you would in the "actual" visit?
This would definitely be like a "Total Recall" implant. Only difference, instead of being a subconscious memory implant, it would be a consciously and active experience, real life memory by living the moment with your eyes open. Let us imagine a world where we would not have been disconnected from it. Kind of similar to the virtual reality shown in Episode 8: Playtime in the Universal's and Timely Productions Inc's Continuum, but only without the "brainwashing". Enter where you actually live and dream at the same time. Call it what it will. See what it will.
Live the so Called Dream.